Tuesday 21 May 2013

My Comments


Hay Elsie,

I 100% support you on this issue! I think it's so degrading to little girls, parents should just let them be children! Although it's entertaining to watch little characters like Honeybooboo, you just can't help but think how this is going to affect her when she grows up. Along with many other little girls. I also agree it is indeed another form of child pornography. Watching the videos made me disgusted that parents would make there little girls do such outrageous, over the top things. To me the Mother's are teaching the young girls that beauty is everything, adding to there insecurities they may have currently or late on in life.
Anyways I can go on but I wont, lol. By far my fav blog atm!

Thanks :)
p.s. that gogo juice, shocking!


Hay Nick,

I was a bit hesitant to read your blog because the issue sounds boring lol. But it was very informative and made me realize that this is a serious issue! Although I could'nt view two of the videos due to bad internet connection, you provide ALOT of info about it, which was helpful for me to understand. In the end I agree with your stance on this issue. Great Blog !



Hay Patrick,

great topic! I'm doing something similar, so I know where your coming from. The blog was nice and short, straight to the point with great examples such as the Movie Directors and the game Grand Theft Auto. I myself enjoy playing video games and watching violent movies but hardly engage in that stuff, which is good I guess. Great Blog



Hay Davidda,

very informative blog. Like that you provide statistics and analysis. Also the video of the two guys from the band Duran Duran, there point of view on the issue. It makes sense because it's money going out of there pockets. If I was to be honest, I download music illegally just because it's free. But reading this blog has made me think twice about it . I really should visit the itunes store more often!

Great Blog!


Hey Shelby,

a few weeks ago you asked me if I was for or against animal cruelty (I still stand by my answer and reason). Your blog just further affirmed for me that some people can be cruel and animal testing is a big NO NO. It doesn't matter what purpose these animals are being 'tested' for, the fact remains these animals are hurt in the process. I always think what if the roles were reversed?

Thanks :)

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