Monday, 22 April 2013

Anyone can be Desensitized

Everyone with access to violent media can be desensitized to violence. The article Desensitization through Media Violence states that over time the more people are exposed to media violence, the more desensitized they become. Another article  Impact of Media Violence Tips looks at teens and kids easily desensitized by media violence, because they are always surrounded by  media. The same article gives helpful tips on how Parents can limit the amount of violence there children take in and also teach them. This can also apply to everyone else. This article also states desensitization can affect a person in a very short amount of time!

1 comment:

  1. It seems fairly evident that anyone can be desensitised - it's not a conscious decision to just accept violence in media, but an acclimatisation to violence in media. We can become used to seeing it just like we can become used to the taste of alcohol.

    That said, I think your blog could be improved if you worked your links in a little better. At the moment you simply seem to be listing articles and state the topic of the articles without actually telling us the stance that the article takes, and what you want us to gain from reading the article. As a reader, I would rather not have to click your hyperlink in order to understand your argument - I would prefer that it was there simply in case I wanted even more in depth information, or to check the validity of your claim.

    As well as this, your second sentence seems superfluous. You state that you don't think people with no access to media could be affected by media violence. While this is obviously true, I think it is also unnecessary to say, as the topic of this post seems to be more about the susceptibility of desensitisation that we all have when exposed to media violence, and people who are not exposed to media violence seem irrelevant. It might be better to remove that sentence and simply reword your first sentence to read "Everyone with access to violent media can be desensitised to violence".

    Finally, your blog would be easier to read if you did not centre your writing. Left-aligned text is generally easier to read.
