Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Experiment says its legit!

The Research I gathered, all show examples of tests done on different people, typically young adults or children. The article Video Games Desensitize to Real World show Scientists focusing on Video Games and it's affect on young adults. What they already know is 'Video-games can alter physiological responses typically aroused by real violence' and 'increases aggressive thoughts, angry feelings, physiological arousal and aggressive behaviours, decreasing helpful behaviours'. They also know 85% of video games were violent, engaging the players in serious violent actions. First they asked the individuals what were the 4 most violent vid. games and what were the 4 non-violent vid. games. This was to give the Scientists an idea of what the individuals perceived as violent and non-violent. They then tested the individuals through heart rate and skin response measurements, while they played the vid. games. In conclusion those who were 'new' to vid. games, showed an increase in heart rate and skin response whereas those who already played vid. games showed no change in heart rate and skin response. Proving the Scientist theory that these games are always improving in a way that is fun and individuals eventually become physiologically 'numb' to the violence. Although some may disagree that engaging in these violent games could actually be beneficial.

This also applies to other sources in the media, with the same affect on individuals. I have come up with my own conclusion based on research. For desensitisation to occur, there is engagement and interaction between the viewer and the source. It only takes three senses to engage and interact: sight, sound and touch.  

Please take the time to watch the video below. Caution, intense amount of violence.

 The following article Can Media Violence Desensitize You? has some interesting statistics and examples that support my stance on the issue.  The article Desensitize due to Media also has interesting statistics focusing more on children.

Can we Avoid it?

We are living in the age of technology. With the latest iPhones and Tablets, its hard to keep up! Creating a huge range of easy access to media violence:
  • Access through the internet: with so many websites and social networks its easy to come across blogs, video clips and images showing violence.
  •  Favourite television show's, such as Revenge or the Walking Dead.
  •  Talk shows such as Jeremy Kyle. According to the article Media and Violence Study, television is the most powerful source of information and entertainment besides face-to-face interaction.
  • The latest Movies, such as the newest Iron Man 3. The New-Zealand Herald papers, with headlines such as 'BOSTON BOMBING'.
  •  The latest Call of Duty video game or World of War-craft Computer game. Music video clips such as 'I love the way you lie' performed by Rihanna and Eminem. Lyrics and sound can also encourage violence.
  •  Magazines, Comics and Books. Notice the examples I used are obviously violent but quite popular as well. 
However there are media sources that encourage violence in subtle ways. For example, that reality show you all love watching, secretly or not 'Keeping up with the Kardashians'. They argue a lot, verbally abuse each other, that is violence in the slightest.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Anyone can be Desensitized

Everyone with access to violent media can be desensitized to violence. The article Desensitization through Media Violence states that over time the more people are exposed to media violence, the more desensitized they become. Another article  Impact of Media Violence Tips looks at teens and kids easily desensitized by media violence, because they are always surrounded by  media. The same article gives helpful tips on how Parents can limit the amount of violence there children take in and also teach them. This can also apply to everyone else. This article also states desensitization can affect a person in a very short amount of time!

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Desensitization to violence through Media

Desensitization is derived from the word 'desensitize', to make something less sensitive than it actually is. Violence feeds off Media, the two work together. Based on research I have done, this blog will tell you why I think there is desensitization to violence through Media Coverage.